Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Finding Kriss The Back Story Part 1

Starts here on Erifia's blog, and starts here on this blog, and then
continues here on Skywalker's blog.

"Where does this clue lead us?" I asked and started think over where this new information would lead us to.

"Not a lot to go on," Erifia tossed in as her eyes scanned the area.

I looked over at Erifia wondering if she had noticed something and wasn't telling us. Or just being Erifia looking out for the group even when we're in a safe location.

Anakin smiled and stated. "Think about it. Where would a Wookie get a haircut? The Shaven Wookie Salon on Kashyyyk!"

How he ever figured that out, I'll never know.

Looking at Erifia told me that she was even impressed by Anakin's knowledge.

As we disband and went to our ships, I wondered why Erifia was being silent. When we got closer to her ship, we both noticed that we weren't alone anymore.

"Where are Jedis Erifia Apoc, and Barriss Offee" asked very upset voice.

"I don't know...they left and I stayed with the ship." answered Becca.

Erifia grapped for her lightsabers and I ran to get between her and whoever was talking to Becca.

'I know that voice,' I told her through the force. 'It won't be wise to rush up to her with our lightsabers activated. Unless you really want to be in front of the council explaining why, for I do not want that and neither should you. Just let me do the talking and follow my lead.' I begged her through the force.

Sadly I could see Erifia refusing my advise but she took it almost as if she knew that there was more there then just what we could see or feel through the force. 'I won't... But be prepared, I'm ready for a fight,' she told me, using the same mind tap I was using.

I was shooked by her words and by the weight they carried with them.

As we approached the ship in silence, we could see a lone figure standing over Becca.

I could feel the anger and hate roll of Erifia 'I don't like the way this looks...not at all!'

'Who is this woman and why is she yelling at Becca?' as she angryly yelled at me through the force.

I both stopped a few yards from the ship and stopped Erifia with a wave of my arm. Before I allowed myself to go to the ship, I went deeply into the force to see if Becca was hurt and maybe get an idea of who this person is and how she knows of us. As my mind linked with Becca, I found her to be frighten by this person but not hurt. As for the other woman, I realized right away that she was another Jedi, but I couldn't place a name with the force signuature that I felt.

'Calm yourself Erifia, Becca's not hurt just upset. I've seen and heard this woman back at the temple, many of times and so have you.' I calmly called back hoping she'd cool off a little before we got any closer to them.

A look of wonder crossed Erifia's face as she quietly asked "You mean to tell me she's another Jedi Knight?"

"Yes, can't you feel her force signuature?" I quietly asked back.

"Yes, but I thought she was a dark Jedi, or worse a Sith Lord." A look of hate crossed Erifia face as she said that.



Skywalker said...

Thought she was a dark one, huh? Strange....

Unknown said...

Very odd.

Son Goku said...

huh. I'm lost

Vegeta said...

What else is new Kakarot?

Jean-Luc Picard said...

Wow! A Sith Lord.