Starts here.
continued from here I slowly stood up and followed the healer to the refresher.
"Oh!" was I all I could say before I nearly passed out from walking a few feet.
"Easy does it. We don't want you to pass out on us again and causing
Master Luminara Unduil more worry and grief ." The healer lightly said with a look of worry in her eyes. "Maybe I should have brought a hover chair with me." She frankly stated as she already knew that I was about to pass out from walking a short distance.
"No, I'm fine. Let's just get there and get this over with." I stated and thought to myself, if Master Luminara could see me the way I was acting she'd be very disappointed in me!
The healer looked at me with a look of surprise on her face. Then she slowly took my arm and helped me along to the refresher.
When we got to the refresher, I was wide awake and able to keep my balance on my own.
The healer set the refresher and said "Are you going to be able to do this on your own, correct?"
"Yes" I lightly said and waited for her to continue.
"Alright then, I'll go get a towel and your clothes while your in the refresher. I shouldn't be more then a 15 minutes." She said as she waited for me to reply.
"That's fine." I said and waited for her to leave.
After she had left, took off the gown that I had been wearing and walked in to the refresher.
(15 minutes pass)
"Barriss are you alright." The healer called out as she returned.
"Yes, I'm ok." I answered her back.
"Good!." The healer happily stated. "Barriss, I need to care for another patent so I'm going to set your clothes over here on the bench and your towel is hanging on the towel bar for you to use. Once you are dressed please leave the door a jar so I know you are done."
"Ok' I called out as I heard her leave the room.
Just as the door closed behind the healer, I felt a very faint disturbance in the force. My first that it was nothing. Just someone playing a prank on
NandeHI. But then the disturbance hit me with full force.
Vampi!" I cried out, as I realize to whom it was centered around. I lightly fell to my knees as the disturbance kept getting stronger and stronger.
It was about that time when the healer who had left me in the refresher had returned. "Barriss, did you fall? Are you hurt?" She called out as she grabbed the towel from the bar and rushed over to help me.
I slowly stood up very slowly and said "No, I'm fine! I just slipped that's all." Then took the towel as she handed it to me.
The healer just raised one eyebrow as if she was going to ask a questioning my response.
"Well then, I'll be right outside if you need me." she lightly stated and turned and walked slowly out of the room.
I heard the door close firmly as I walked over to the bench.
I patted myself dry and slowly started getting dressed with the clothing that she had left for me to wear. Although it was one of my usual outfits, it was very baggy in places that it shouldn't have been.
After several attempts, I finally got the belt short enough to work, I looked in the mirror and thought to myself, if this is the best I can do till I get back to my room.
Thanksfully, my cloak hide gathers of material from view.
I slowly worked on my hair, braiding it very slowly and keeping each braid straight. When I was done with my hair, I could finally place my skill cape back on my head, and then flipped my cloaks hood over it.
Then I used the force to gentle open the door for the healer as I went and stood by the bench as the healer entered the room.
"Barriss, would you like for me to help you with your hair?" as the healer came into the room stopped dead in her tracks as two small red dots appeared quickly and then disappeared just as fast from her face. "Oh sorry!" She exclaimed.
"Well, then are you ready to go?" the she quicky asked.
"Yes, I am!" I stated as I started to thinking to myself great now where to?
The followed the healer out of the refresher and down a short hallway to a door. She stopped and looked over at me.
"This is where I leave you Barriss. May the force be with you." she lightly said with a smile
I smiled back and gently said "Thank you, and may the force be with you as well."
She nodded and waited as I opened the door and walked into the room.
The sight before me was one I don't think I'll forget for a long time. On one side of the room was Master Lminara being comforted by Tolk and on the other side was Jos, Uli, and I-Five.
They must have been use to the sound of the door opening because no one turned towards the sound at first. Then Master Luminara looked over and gently said "Barriss!" Right when she said my name the room when quite and everyone was looked over at me.